
уторак, 15. март 2011.

Besplatno seks oglasavanje

Marie Jenkins zatvorila oči, dok seks oglasavanje rotirajuće glavu dok je pokušao raditi Kinks iz njezina umorni vrat i ramena, to je bio dug dan, i sada ovdje je bilo gotovo 1030, a noću je još uvijek imao hrpu izvješća ići preko prije sutra je veliki sastanak! Deciding to take a five minute break, she stood up and stretched, and for some reason, she cupped her full chest through her blouse and tweaked her rapidly hardening nipples!!! Odluka da se pet minuta pauze, ona je ustao i pružio, i za neki razlog, ona cupped svoju punu prsima kroz njezinu bluzu i njezin praćka brzo otvrdnjavanje bradavice! All of the nervous tension in her body seemed to have gravitated to her pussy, which by now was literally dripping and throbbing in anticipation of a much needed orgasm!!! Svi živčana napetost u njenom tijelu se činilo da imaju privukao joj maca, koji je do sada bio doslovno kaplje i lupanje u očekivanju potrebno mnogo orgazam! "Not now," she moaned, "I've got a lot of work to finish up," but in her heart she knew that only way that she'd ever get done was if she could get some relief for her now erect clit!!! "Ne sada," ona moaned, "Imam puno posla završiti", ali u svom srcu znala da je jedini način na koji je ikada učinio je dobiti ako je ona mogla dobiti neki reljef za nju sada podići klitoris ! Forgetting momentarily that while she was alone in her office and on the twenty eighth floor, the blinds on her windows were wide open, offering any amateur voyeur who happened to be peeking a perfect view of everything she was doing!!! Zaboravljajući na trenutak da je dok je bila sama u svom uredu i na dvadeset osmi kat, rolete na njoj su prozori širom otvorena, nudeći svaki amater voajera, koji se dogodilo da se peeking savršen pogled na sve što je radila! As she continued to caressing her breasts, her breathing became much more labored until finally she jerked up her dress and began furiously fingering her wet cunt until her whole body shuddered as it was consumed by a crushing climax!!! Kao što je i dalje miluje joj grudi, njeno disanje je postao mnogo više trudio dok napokon ona grču joj haljinu i počeo bijesno ukazivanje joj mokro pićka dok joj cijelo tijelo shuddered kao što je bio konzumira drobljenje vrhunac! She collapsed back into her chair gasping for breath as the cool air wafted over her very satisfied pussy, while an hour later after finishing up her paper work she snapped of the lights to her office and headed off for home to a hot bath and a warm bed!!! Ona je srušio natrag u stolcu hvata zrak kao svjež zrak wafted nad njom vrlo zadovoljna maca, a sat kasnije, nakon završetka joj radu ona pukla od svjetla u svoju kancelariju i na čelu off za dom topla kupka i topao krevet!

Somewhat bleary eyed, Marie entered her office at exactly eight sharp to go over some notes she had made in preparation for this morning's meeting!!! Nešto nejasan očiju, Marie ušao njezin ured na točno osam oštar to ići preko neke bilješke joj je napravio u pripremi za jutros je sastanak! "These fifteen hour days are gonna kill," she mumbled to herself while taking a sip of hot black coffee and making sure that she had all of the data she needed on the upcoming merger!!! "Ovi petnaest sati dnevno su gonna ubiti", kazala promrmljao sebi, uzimajući gutljaj vruće crne kave i pazeći da je sve podatke potrebna devojka sa velikim grudima  je na predstojećim spajanja! Checking her watch one last time, she remembered that it she was expecting an important e-mail from the west coast office, so she quickly punched in her password, and with a touch of a button her screen came alive with a half dozen or so messages, including the one she had been waiting for!!! Provjera joj gledati jedan posljednji put, ona sjeti da je očekivala važan e-poštu od ureda zapadnoj obali, pa je brzo udari u nju lozinku, te sa dodirom na gumb joj zaslon došao živ sa pola tuceta ili tako poruke, uključujući i jedan je čekala! After downloading and printing it, she checked the remaining mail to see if there was anything important! Nakon preuzimanja i ispis, ona provjerava preostale mail da vidim ako ima je nešto važno! It was the last one, however, that piqued her interest, because it had such funny title!!! To je bio posljednji, međutim, da joj interes uvrijeđen, jer to je kao smiješno titulu! "Must be some SPAM," she said softly as she double clicked on "Saw You!!!"!!! "Mora biti neki spam," rekla je tiho kao što je dvostruki klik na "si vidio !!!"!!! As the screen filled with the message, Marie's heart popped to her throat as she read, "Thank you so much for the show, it was much more than enoyable!!! My office is directly across from yours and I couldn't help but notice your display of overt self gratification!!! Watch me tonight at eight, it's my turn!!!" Kao što je ekran ispunjen s porukom, Marie srce popped joj grla kao što je čitanje, "Hvala vam toliko za pokazati, to je bio mnogo više od enoyable! Moj ured je izravno preko tvoj i nisam mogao pomoći, ali obavijest tvoj prikaz otvoreno samo zahvalnost! Gledaj me večeras na osam, to je moj red! " Signed, The Voyeur!!! Potpisano, Voajer! Marie's heart was beating a mile a minute as she gazed out the window at the windows on the building just across the alley while wondering who had been spying on her, and even more disturbing, how did that someone find out who she was and what her e-mail address was!?! Marie je srce tuče milju minuti dok je gledao kroz prozor na prozore na zgradi preko puta ulice, dok se pitate tko je špijuniranje na nju, pa čak i više uznemirujuće, kako je to netko saznati tko je ona i što joj e-mail adresa je!?! Standing up on shaking legs, Marie slowly closed her blinds and headed off to her morning meeting!!! Stojeći na nogama trese, Marie polako zatvara svoj rolete i na čelu off joj ujutro sastanak!

All day Marie tried keeping her mind on her work, but the unnerving e-mail message kept slipping back into her mind, and while she certainly wasn't going to stick around to watch some pervert masturbating in front of her, that was out of the question, she began forming an idea in her head that just might allow her to find out who was watching her!!! Cjelodnevni Marie pokušao imajući svoje mišljenje o svom radu, ali obeshrabrujući poruke e-pošte zadržao kliženje natrag u njezinu umu, i dok je ona sigurno nije bio idući u staviti oko gledati neke iskrivio masturbira pred njom, da je bila izvan pitanje, počela je formiranje ideja u glavi koje samo može dopustiti joj da sazna tko joj je bio promatranje! As the eight o'clock hour neared, Marie opened her blinds, turned of the lights to her office, and sat down in her chair and waited!!! Kao što je osam sati približavao, Marie otvorila svoje rolete, okrenuo na svjetla u svoju kancelariju, i sjeo u svojoj stolici i čekala! Maybe, just maybe this so called voyeur would show himself to her!!! Možda, samo možda ovaj tzv voajer bi prikazivao sebe u njoj! As the minutes ticked off and the time approached eight thirty, and figuring that who ever is was wasn't going to show, Marie put on her coat and got ready to go home! Kao minuta ticked off i vrijeme prišao trideset osam, i figuring da tko je ikada nije bio idući u show, Marie staviti na njezin kaput i dobio spremni ići kući! She was just about ready to leave, when out of the blue her phone rang, causing her to momentarily freeze in the open doorway!!! Ona se upravo spremao da ode, kad iz vedra neba joj zazvonio je telefon, zbog čega joj trenutno da zamrzne na otvorenom vratima! "Who could that be at this hour," she mumbled to herself while reaching for the receiver, "Hello, who is this!?!" "Tko je to mogao biti u ovo doba," promrmljao je sebi, samo za dame dok poseže za prijemnik, "Halo, tko je to!?!" "I'm disappointed in you Marie," a deep male voice said softly, "I had hoped that we could help each other out!!!" "Ja sam razočaran u tebi Marie," dubok muški glas, rekao je tiho, "Ja sam se nadao da bismo mogli pomoći jedni drugima out!" "I-I'm sure that I don't know what you mean," she replied nervously, "and by the way, how did you find out who I am!?!" "Ja-I'm sigurni da ja ne znam što misliš," odgovori ona nervozno ", i usput, kako ste saznali tko sam ja?!!" After ignoring her question he went on, "The other evening you looked so erotic, so beautiful, I had to pull myself out and do it with you right then and there!!!" Nakon što je ignoriranje njezina pitanja je otišao na "druge večernjim satima izgledao tako erotičan, tako lijepa, morao sam sebe izvući i to učiniti s vama pravo zatim i tamo!" "Y-you're a pervert," she stammered, "how dare you watch me in my own office!?!" "Y-you're pokvarenjak", rekla mucao, "Kako se usuđuješ mene gledati u svom uredu!?!" "Oh, Marie," he said softly, "I've never seen anyone quite like you, I could feel your heat all the way over here!!!" "Oh, Marie", rekao je tiho, "Nikad nisam vidio da netko sasvim poput tebe, mogao sam osjetiti tvoj topline sve više ovdje!" It was at that moment her gaze snapped over to the dark window in the other building and she replied, "If you're so tough, show me what you look like, or are you afraid of me!!!" Bilo je u tom trenutku njezin pogled popucali preko tamno prozor u drugim zgradi, a ona je odgovorila: "Ako ste tako tvrd, mi pokazati što izgledaju, ili ste se bojali za mene!" "Hardly," he replied with a chuckle, "I just want you to promise me that you'll stay until I'm finished, or what's the point!!!" "Teško", odgovorio je sa cerekanje, "Ja samo želim da mi obećati da ćete ostati sve dok sam gotov, ili ono što je točka!" "I-I'll think about it," she stammered as an office directly across from her burst into brightness!!! "Ja-I'll razmišljati o tome", kazala je mucao kao ured direktno preko puta nje je briznula u svjetlost!

"Do you see my office, Marie," he asked softly?!? "Vidiš li moj ured, Marie", upitao je tiho?!? "Yes," she replied, "but I still can't see you!!!" "Da", odgovori ona, "ali ja još uvijek ne možete vidjeti!" "In a moment," he answered, "but I just want to tell you that I'm already erect and fisting my pecker!!!" "U trenutku", odgovorio je, "ali ja samo želim reći da sam već sam uspravno i fisting moj kurac!" A slight groan escaped her lips, and in a shaky voice she demanded, "Well show yourself if you have the guts, I'm waiting!!!" Lagani jecaj pobjegla joj usne, i drhtavim glasom tražila je, "Pa pokaži ako imate hrabrosti, ja čekam!" Several seconds later, a tall man appeared in front of the window with his back turned, and almost in slow motion began turning around to face her!!! Nekoliko sekundi kasnije, visok čovjek pojavio ispred prozora okrenut leđima, i gotovo u slow motion je počeo okreće oko joj lice! "Oh my," she gasped as his erection came into view!!! "Oh moj," rekla dahnu kao njegov montaža stupio na pregled! "You like that do you," he asked while taking it into his hand and slowly fisting it, "now it's my turn to give you a show!!!" "Vi kao da vi", upitao je, a to, uzimajući u ruku i polako ga fisting ", sad je moj red da vam pokazati!" Now while she wasn't the most experienced woman in the world, she had seen her share of peckers, if this wasn't the biggest one she'd ever seen it was pretty darn close, and whether she liked it or not, her pussy was slowly tightening and twisting towards and orgasm!!! Sada, dok ona nije bila najiskusniji žena na svijetu, ona je vidjela svoj dio peckers, ako to nije bio najveći ona bi ikada vidio da je prilično darn zatvoriti, a hoće li se to svidjelo ili ne, njezin maca je polako zatezanje i uvijanje ka i seks orgazam! "So tell me," he panted, it's exciting to watch, isn't it, Marie!?!" "Dakle, reci mi", kazao je panted, to je uzbudljivo gledati, zar ne, Marie!?! "Besplatni seks oglasi

Marie was staring at the mid thirties executive working his hand smoothly up and down the length of his thick member when he ordered her, "Marie, turn on the light and step over to the window!!!" Marie je zurio u izvršnoj sredinom tridesetih godina rada ruku glatko gore i dolje duljina njegov debeli članica, kada ju je naručio, "Marie, skrenite na svjetlo i korak više u prozor!" "I can't," she gasped as her finger brushed over her swollen little clit, "i-it's too embarrassing!!!" "Ne mogu", kazala je dahnu kao njezin prst brušenog nad njom oteknute malo klitoris, "ja-to je previše neugodno!" "You can do it," he implored, "you want to do it, look at my penis, it got hard just for you, now come to the window and show yourself to me, let me see and feel your incredible fire!!!" "Možete to učiniti", on utekao, "želite to učiniti, pogledajte moj penis, on je dobio teško samo za Vas, sada dolaze na prozor i pokaži mi, pusti me vidjeti i osjetiti tvoj nevjerojatno vatru! ! " "Oh, god," she moaned while turning on the light and half stumbling to the window with her hand inside of her panties, "h-how's this!!!" "Oh, Bože", rekla moaned dok okretanje na svjetlo i pola tetura prema prozoru rukom unutar gaćice, "H-kako je ovo!" "Mmmmm," he hummed, "you look delicious, are you aroused!?!" "Mmmmm," on je pjevušila ", što izgleda ukusno, jeste li uzbuđena!?!" "Can't you tell," she sighed while ogling his monster organ!?! "Ne mogu ti reći", kazala je uzdahnuo dok ogling svoje čudovište organa!?! "Do you like my penis," he asked while overtly thrusting his hips towards her!?!" "Sweet jesus," she moaned, "look at how long and thick it is........................" "Do you like watching me masturbate, Marie," he whispered into the phone, "it's almost like I'm just exposing my cock to you on the street, just look at it sticking out of my trousers!?!" By now Marie had lost all of her inhibitions, and without even thinking, she slid her panties down and hiked up her skirt, exposing her dark muffy to her voyeuristic admirer!!! Ohhhhhhhhh," he moaned, "you have a very hairy pussy, it looks fucking incredible!!!" "Da li vam se sviđa moj penis", upitao je, a otvoreno zabadanje njegov hips prema njoj!?! "Sweet Isus", rekla moaned ", pogled na koliko dugo i gust da je ............ ............" "Volite li gledati me masturbirati, Marie", šapnuo je u telefon ", to je gotovo kao sam samo izlažu moj penis vam na ulici, samo pogledajte ga zabada iz moje hlače?!! "Do sada Marie je izgubio sve svoje inhibicije, a čak i bez razmišljanja, ona je skliznula joj gaćice prema dolje i hiked joj suknju, otkrivajući joj tamne muffy joj voajerski obožavatelj! Ohhhhhhhhh" on moaned, "imate jako dlakav maca, izgleda jebeno 
seks orgazam nevjerojatno!" "Do you really like it," she asked softly?!? "Da li stvarno to sviđa", pitala je tiho?!? "Oh, god, just look at my pecker, it's as hard as a fucking rock," he panted before asking, "do you know what I did last night!?!" "Oh, Bože, samo pogled na moj kurac, to je kao teško kao jebeni rock", rekao je panted prije pita "da li vi znate što sam učinio sinoć?!!" "No," she gasped as her vagina convulsed unevenly, "w-what did you do last night!?!" "Ne", ona dahnu kako joj vaginu potrese neujednačeno, "w-što ste radili sinoć?!!" "I was lying in bed thinking about watching you masturbating," he went on, "and I couldn't help myself, because I pulled out my cock and jerked it of right then and there and I came all over the place!!!" "Bio sam ležao u krevetu razmišljajući o gledajući vas masturbira", nastavio je, "i ja ne mogu sebi pomoći, jer sam izvadio moj kurac i to grču od pravo zatim i tamo i došao sam po cijelom mjestu! " "Oh my," she groaned, "did you cum really hard!?!" "Oh moj", rekla stenjali, "Jesi li sperma je stvarno teško!?!" "My cum shot up to my chest," he replied as his hand became a blur on his erect shaft, "just like it's ready to do now, blow a big load all over the place!!!" "Moj cum pucao i do moje grudi", odgovorio je kako njegova ruka postaje zamagliti na njegov uspravan vratilo ", baš kao da je spreman to učiniti sada, puhati veliki teret sve više mjesta!"seks orgazam

Never in her whole life had she ever done anything this reckless, but at that moment all she cared about was satisfying the incredible craving burning deep in her cunt, and she really didn't care how many strangers were watching her, just as long as she got her gun!!! Nikada u svom cijelom životu je ona ikada učinio ništa ovaj ne osvrće, ali u tom trenutku sve je stalo o je bio zadovoljavajući nevjerojatan žudnja gori duboko u njoj pizda, a ona stvarno nije briga koliko stranci gledali nju, kao čeznuti kao ona joj je dobio pištolj! "Are you close," he panted while staring at her dark haired cunt!?! "Jesi li blizu", rekao je panted dok bulji u nju tamne kose, pička!?! "S-so close now," she gasped, "I-I'm almost there, just a little more and ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck, I'm cumming so fucking hard!!!" "S tako blizu sada", ona dahnu, "Ja-I'm skoro tamo, samo malo više i ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh jebati, ja sam cumming pa jebote teško!" He watched in utter disbelief as the pretty young woman leaned against her desk in the throes of a brutal, cunt busting orgasm, which naturally induced his eight inch pecker to spasm hard, and ejaculate a torrent of hot cum onto the window pane in front of him!!! On je gledao u nevjerici izustiti kao prilično mlada žena naginje nad nju stol u bolovi od brutalne, pička poprsje orgazam, što naravno inducirani njegovih osam inča kurac do spazma teško, a ejakulat bujica vruća sperma na prozorsko okno ispred ga! Oh, fuck," he groaned as his spunk spewed out of his big dick, "that was fucking unreal!!!" Oh, jebi ", rekao je stenjali kao svoju hrabrost spewed iz njegov veliki kurac", koji je bio jebeni nestvarno! "

Marie held on to the edge of her desk and struggled the six feet to her waiting chair, where she plopped down hard with her cunt still twitching like crazy, when she finally was able to speak, she said softly, "You know my name, but I don't know yours, why don't you introduce yourself!?!" Marie održana na rubu njenog stola i borili šest nogu joj čeka stolicu, gdje je plopped dolje tvrdo s njom pička još trzanje kao lud, kad je napokon bio u stanju govoriti, rekla je tiho, "Ti znaš moje ime, ali ja ne znam tvoje, zašto ne biste sami upoznati!?! " "He stood there with his now spent pecker swinging gently back and forth and replied, "I'm Rick, and I work late almost every evening!!!" "Well," Marie sighed softly, "I don't work late every night, but I'm sure gonna start!!! "On je stajao tamo sa svojom sada proveo penis ljuljanje nježno natrag i naprijed i odgovorio:" Ja sam Rick, i ja sam posla kasno gotovo svake večeri! "Pa," Marie uzdahnuo tiho, "Ja ne radim svaki kasno noć, ali siguran sam da ćeš početi!

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